Depilsknúkur, Lokki, Norðanfyri Lokkaskarð og Norðanfyri Kvíggjarskarð

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11 - 15 KM
Pref. Wind:
South-west, West
Depilsknúkur, Lokki, Norðanfyri Lokkaskarð og Norðanfyri Kvíggjarskarð

This hike starts between the tunnels above Árnafjørður and ends to the north of the quarry in the valley Svartadalur.

Petur Andreasen 456143
Arni Sólheygg 455615
Ólavur Poulsen 217130

Please ask for information at the local tourist information before hiking in the mountains

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Current weather

Klaksvík 7,1 m/s 10,4° West 12,3 m/s 21:14

Order guide

Pól Sundskarð

Pól is born in 1957 and grew up in Klaksvík, Faroe Islands. As a youth Pól already showed his skills as a proven sportsman in many different categories. The interest in the extreme sport started at a relatively late level in his life. In 2015 Pól ran 526 km in 5 days, and the same year he and his wife Bjørg, as the first couple in the Faroes, climbed all 340 Faroese mountains.
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