The east of Sandoy: Knúkur, Fjallið, Skorarnar, Varðabrúgvin, Tindur, Pætursfjall, Skálhøvdi and Heiðafjall

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Route information

Moderate Hike
16 - 20 km
Pref. Wind:
North, North-west
The east of Sandoy: Knúkur, Fjallið, Skorarnar, Varðabrúgvin, Tindur, Pætursfjall, Skálhøvdi and Heiðafjall

Start your hike by walking between Norðara Hálsavatn and Heimara Hálsavatn. Turn left and hike up to the mast on top of Knúkur, from where you can follow the mountain crest all the way to Skálhøvdi. You can also start the hike at Skálhøvdi.

Jóannes Johannesen 361057
Brandur Sandoy 361498
Torkil Dalsgaard Tlf 261150

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Current weather

Sandoy,á Brekkuni Stóru 14,7 m/s 7,0° South-west 20,0 m/s 08:45

Order guide

Pól Sundskarð

Pól is born in 1957 and grew up in Klaksvík, Faroe Islands. As a youth Pól already showed his skills as a proven sportsman in many different categories. The interest in the extreme sport started at a relatively late level in his life. In 2015 Pól ran 526 km in 5 days, and the same year he and his wife Bjørg, as the first couple in the Faroes, climbed all 340 Faroese mountains.
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