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Eystnes, Vørðan, Húkslond, Høganes, Vatnfelli, Gásafelli, Glyvrafjall, Høgaleiti and Hæddin
The tour begins in Lambareiðinum, a 8 hours hike and is moderate
Island Eysturoy
Difficulty Moderate hike
Length 16 km
Pref. Wind North-east, North, North-west, South-west

The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 8 hours.

This hike starts on the headland of Eystnes and ends in Lamba village. It is recommended to have a car parked in Lamba.

Image(360°) / Information
Eystnes:           130 m high edge in southern most area of Eysturoy, can also refer to the 130 m
                          high plateau up on the edge
Vørðan:            165 m high mountain oman fyri Nes í Eysturoy
Húkslond:        129 m high plateau millum Toftir og Toftavatn
Høganes:         114 m high plateau uppi yvir Saltnesi
Vatnfelli:           165 m high mountain millum Toftavatn og Rituvík
Gásafelli:          231 m high mountain eystan fyri Rituvík
Glyvrafjall:        678 m high mountain millum Glyvrar og Rituvík
Høgaleiti:         264 m high mountain á Glyvrum
Hæddin:           274 m high mountain millum Glyvrar og Lamba. Eystanfyri er Skarðið á Hædd

Eystnes:          Hans Jákup Hansen 225368                        
Vørðan:           Hans Jákup Hansen 225368
Húkslond:       Katrin S. Poulsen 447910, Johan S. Johannesen 447051, Maja Skaale Olsen 217329,
                         Leivur á Torkilsheyggi 748111, Claus Højgaard 748251
Høganes:        Katrin S. Poulsen 447910
Vatnfelli:          Oskar Joensen 263478, Kjartan Poulsen 286307, Nicolina Lamhauge 283075,
                         Maja Skaale Olsen 217329, Kristian Gunrim 448319
Gásafelli:         Leivur á Torkilsheyggi 748111
Glyvrafjall:       Tórálvur Danielsen 218434
Høgaleiti:        Dan Magnusson Olsen 598727
Hæddin:          Dan Magnusson Olsen 598727, Magnus Rasmussen 219488, Niels Weihe 448837

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Current weather
2,5 m/s
North west
5,1 m/s

Height Information

Download Topo GPS
Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
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