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Haraldssundi, Knúkur, Rasmusargjógv, Galvsskorarfjall and Suðuri á Nakkin
The tour begins in Haraldssund, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Á Hálsi í Sandavág-Slættanes-Fjallavatn-Gásadalur
The tour begins in Gásadali, a 16 hours hike and is very hard
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Árnafjall - Heinanøvan
The tour begins in Gásadali, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Árnafjørður, Katlarnir and Kjøl
The tour begins in Árnafjørð, a 3,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Árnafjørður, Toftaknúkur, Tólvmarkaknúkur and Norðtoftir
The tour begins in Árnafjørð, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Beinisvørð, Spinarnir, Spáafelli, Tindurin, Hólmskorafjall, Knúkin, Skálin, Lambaklettur, Uttarafjall and Eystarafjall
The tour begins in Hestur, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Beinisvørð, Uttarafjall, Eystarafjall, Lambaklettur, Skálin, Knúkin, Hólmskorafjall, Tindurin, Spáafelli and Spinarnir
The tour begins in Hestur, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Bollin - Vitin Navirnar
The tour begins in Áir, a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Borðoyanes, Miðfjall, Háfjall, Hálgafelli and Klakkur
The tour begins in Klaksvík, a 11,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Borgarin and Kallurin Ligthouse
The tour begins above Trøllanes, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Borgin and Pætursfjall
The tour begins in Saksunardali valley, a 6,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Borgin, Fjallið, Bustin, Nakkar, Glyvrabergsnasi, Eggin and Skalafjall
The tour begins in Sandvík, a 6,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Borgin, Fjallið, Bustin, Nakkar, Glyvrabergsnasi, Eggin and Skálafjall
The tour begins in Sandvík, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Borgin, Kopenni, Dirðilsendi (Malaknúkur), Torskorarhorn, and Pætursfjall
The tour begins in Saksunardali valley, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Borgin, Kopenni, Malaknúkur (Fyrr Malaknúkur) Torskorarhorn and Pætursfjall
The tour begins in Bergmunni, a 9 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Borgin, Róvin, Húsafelli, Mjóstíggjur, Altarið, Slætnatindur and Hjarðardalstindur
The tour begins in Fuglafjørð, a 8 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Brigðufelli, Fjallið, Klórarin, Kambur, Slættafelli og Borgarfelli omanfyri Skála and Strendur
The tour begins in Strendur, a 8 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Byttufelli, Klubbin, Heimarafjall and Gásafjall
The tour begins beneath Heimarafjall mountaini, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Fulgafjørð, a 3,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Depilsknúkur, Lokki, Norðanfyri Lokkaskarð and Norðanfyri Kvíggjarskarð
The tour begins inbetween the tunnels in Árnafirði, a 5,5 hours hike and is diff…
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Guide required
Depilsknúkur, Toftaknúkur, Tólvmarkaknúkur, Krúnufjall, Landsuðursfjall and Búrhellu
The tour begins in Árnafjørð, a 11 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Dyllan, Vørlufjall, Árnadalstindur, Bøllufjall, Gívrufjall and Navirnar
The tour begins in Kollfaradali, a 8 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Egilsfjall and Gásafelli
The tour begins above Kvívík, a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Eiðiskollur (Borgin)
The tour begins in Eiði, a 2,5 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Eystnes, Vørðan, Húkslond, Høganes, Vatnfelli, Gásafelli, Glyvrafjall, Høgaleiti and Hæddin
The tour begins in Lambareiðinum, a 8 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins in Gásadali, a 5,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Fagridalur and Høvdin Skúgvi
The tour begins in Skúvoy, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Filthatturin - Tunnafjall
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Most Popular Guide required
Fjallið Lítla, Heygamúli, Stígarnar and Múlin (The center of the Faroe Islands)
The tour begins in Saksunardali valley, a 4,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Fjallið Mikla above Fámjin and Nónfjall
The tour begins in Ørðaskarð, a 2,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Fjallið and Hægstafjall, Haldórsvík
The tour begins in Halldórsvík, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Fjallið and Lítlafjall Tórshavn
The tour begins in Havnardali, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Most Popular Guide required
Fjallið, Ambadalur and Horn við Gjógv
The tour begins in Gjógv, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Gálvurin, Gluggarnar, eystanfyri Herðablaðið and Mjóstíggjur
The tour begins in Trongisvági, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Gásafelli and Hæddin Norðoyri
The tour begins in Norðoyri, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Gásafelli, Glyvrafjall and Hagaleiti
The tour begins in Rituvík, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
The tour begins in Skarvanesi, a 1,5 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Gjógv, Ambadalur, Horn, Sandfelli, Middagsfjall and Tyril
The tour begins in Gjógv, a 9,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Gjógvarafjall and Blábjørg (Also known as: Heimarafjall and Norðarafjall)
The tour begins in Bergmunni, a 2 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Gjógvarafjall mountain above Fuglafjørð
The tour begins half way to Oyndafjørð, a 3 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Gjógvarafjall Tindur, Vágfelli Hvannafelli, Borgarknappur, Borgin, Glopprókin and Høgøksl
The tour begins above Famjin, a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Grímsfjall - Hvalba
The tour begins in Hvalba, a 2 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Gríslatindur, Botnstindur and Slættafjall
The tour begins outside Syðradal, 4,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Hægstafjall, Melin and Reynið
The tour begins in Vestmann, a 3 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
The tour begins in Klaksvík, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Háfjall and Miðfjall
The tour begins in Klaksvík, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Hattardalstindur, Miðalstindur and Nøv
The tour begins beneath Nøv mountaini, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Havnartindur, Keldufjall, Knúkur (vestari), Knúkur, Múlin, Middagur and Eysturhøvdið
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 12,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Hestur: Múlin, Eggjarrók og Navirnar
Múlin, Eggjarrók og Navirnar
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Most Popular Guide required
Hestur, Múlin, Eggjarrók and Navirnar
The tour begins in Hestur, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Heyggjurin Mikli, Húgvan and Eggjarmúli
The tour begins in Tjørnuvík, a 11 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Høvdin and Saksun
The tour begins in Saksun, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Høvdin, Heimari Heyggjur and Ytri Heyggjur
The tour begins in Saksun, a 4,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Húsafjall and Norðanfyri Blámansfjall
The tour begins above Funning, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins on Húsareyn, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Most Popular Guide required
Hvannagjógvartindur, Oyggjarskoratindur, Villngardalsfjall, Nakkurin and Ormadalur
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Hvannagjógvartindur, Oyggjaskoratindur, Villingardalsfjall and Nakkurin (Enniberg)
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 6 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Jógvansfjall, Gilið trítitindur, Reynsatindur Gásafelli and Lírisfelli
The tour begins north of Sandavág, a 2 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Jógvansfjall, Giliðtrítitindur, Reynsatindur, Gásafelli, Krossafelli, Tungufellið Lítla, Tungufelli Jatn
The tour begins in Sandavági, a 13 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Kaldbakskambur and Ritufelli
The tour begins north of Mjørkadal, a 1,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Kirkjubøreyn and Kirkjubøkambur
The tour begins in Velbastað, a 4,5 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
The tour begins in Lopra, a 1 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Kjølur, Myrkjanoyrarfjall and Fýramarkaknúkur
The tour begins in Graskjalla, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Kjølur, Myrkjanoyrarfjall and Tólvmarkaknúkur
The tour begins underneath Graskjalla, a 4,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Klaksvík - Hálsurin - Klakkur
The tour begins in Klaksvík, a 1,5 hours hike and is easy
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Most Popular Guide required
Klaksvík - Hálsurin - Klakkur
The tour begins in Klaksvík, a 1,5 hours hike and is easy
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Most Popular Guide required
The tour begins North of Haraldsund, a 12 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Klubbin and Eystfelli on Fugloy
The tour begins in Kirkju, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Klubbin, Mølin, Vatndaalsfjall, Eindalfjall and Vørðufelli
The tour begins north of Vatnsoyrar, a 9 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Knúkur Leirvík
The tour begins in Leirvík, a 2 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Knúkur Múla
The tour begins in Múla, a 3,5 hours hike and requires a tour guide
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Guide required
Knúkur and Ritafjall
The tour begins in Leirvík, a 2 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Knúkur, Heðinsskorarfjall and Arnafjall
The tour begins in Sørvagi, a 7,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Knúkur, Lokkafelli, Lítlafelli, Miðalfelli and Skerðingur
The tour begins above Norðskála, a 5,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Krosstindur, Húsafelli, Malinstindur, Heldarstindur and Breiðastíggjur
The tour begins in Sandavági, a 7 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Kúvingafjall, Middagsfjall and Lítlafjall
The tour begins in Kunoy, a 5,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins at Lambafelli, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Guide required
Lítla Dímun
The tour begins on Fugloy, a 1,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Lítlafelli and Miðalfelli, (Smørrókarfjall) Norðskáli
The tour begins at the tunnel in Norðskálain, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Lokkafelli, Knúkur, Nøvan, Sandfelli Oyri and Skálafjall
The tour begins at the tunnel in Norðskála, a 7,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Lokkafelli, Knúkur, Sandfelli, Halgafelstindur and Reyðafelstindur
The tour begins at the tunnel in Norðskála, a 8 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins above Vestmanna, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins at the tunnel in Viðareiði, a 3 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Melin, Víkartindur and Gívrufelli
The tour begins in Saksun, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Mosarøkur, Bøllufjall, Moskursfjall, Múlin, Stígarnar and Miðalfelli
The tour begins in Vestmanna, a 9 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Múlatindur and Gomlumannatindur
The tour begins halfway to Hellurnar, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Múlatindur, Gomlumannatindur and Dálkinsfjall
The tour begins halfway to Hellurnar, a 6 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins on oyggjarvegnum road, a 1,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Mykines Knúkur og Flugvarin
The tour begins in Sørvagi, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Tjørnuvík, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Nakkur, Kaguklettur, Kambur, Bustin, Fjallið and Skornasaklettur
The tour begins in Froba, a 6,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Nakkur, Kaguklettur, Kambur, Bustin, Fjallið, Skornasaklettur, Rossaklettur, Tempulsklettur, Tindur, Nakkurin and Hæddin (Prestfjall))
The tour begins in Froba, a 12,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Nestindar and Hádegisfjall
The tour begins north of Mikladal, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Nestindar and Hádegisfjall
The tour begins north of Mikladal, a 2 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Nólsoy, Eggjarklettur, Uppi á Mann, Skúvafjall and Líðarfjall
The tour begins in Nólsoy, a 7,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
North of Kvíggjaskarð
The tour begins in Strond, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Norðanfyri Lokkaskarð og Norðanfyri Kvíggjarskarð
The tour begins in Strond, a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Norðarafjall and Sunnarafjall by Eiðisvatn
The tour begins at Eiðisvatn lake, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Guide required
Núgvan, Fjallið millum Botna, Sornfelli and Stallurin
The tour begins at Norðradalsskarði, a 4,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Above Klivsdal valley Múla
The tour begins in Múlai, a 6 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Above Klivsdal Valley Múla
The tour begins in Múlai, a 6 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Saksunardali, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Oyggjarskorðatindur - Villingardalsfjall - Nakkurin. (Enniberg)
The tour begins in Viðareiði, a 6,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Oyggjaskorartindur - Hvannaskoratindur
The tour begins in Viðareiði, a 3,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Oyndfjarðarfjall and Tindur
The tour begins in Oyndarfjørð, a 2 hours hike and is moderate
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Oyrnafjall - Vørðan
The tour begins in Ørðavík, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
The tour begins outside Porkeri, a 2 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Postulakirkja, Tindur og Arndalsfjall
The tour begins in Vestmanna, a 5,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Postulakirkja, Tindur and Arndalsfjall
The tour begins in Bestmanna, a 5,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Ravnsfjall (Ravnsinsfjall), Middagsfjall , Ritubergsnøva and Trælanípan
The tour begins in Miðvági, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Ravnsfjall, Middagsfjall, Ritubergsnøva, Trælanípan, Suðuri á Fjalli, Nónfjall, Bolafløtur, Høgafjall, Kvívíksskoranøva and Sundsnøva
The tour begins in west of Miðvág, a 13 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Reyðafelstindur úr Selatrað
The tour begins in Selatrað, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Rógvukollur, Knavin, Eysturtindur, Knattarheyggjur, Berinartindur, Snældansfjall and Vatnsfjall
The tour begins in Gásadali, a 7,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Rossafelli, Sandfelli, Knúkurin and Langafjall
The tour begins in Nesvík, a 7 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Rossaklettur, Tempulsklettur, Tindur, Nakkurin and Hæddin (Prestfjall))
The tour begins in Trongisvági a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Rútafelli - Rávan
The tour begins outside of Vági, a 2,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Sandfelli and Skoratindur by Oyndarfjørður
The tour begins in Elduvík, a 5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The east of Sandoy: Knúkur, Fjallið, Skorarnar, Varðabrúgvin, Tindur, Pætursfjall, Skálhøvdi and Heiðafjall
The tour begins at norðara Húsarvatn lake, a 8 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The west of Sandoy: Gleðin, Endin, Eiriksfjall, Kneysurin, Vørðan, Bøllufjall and Salthøvdi
The tour begins in Skopun, a 6 hours hike and is easy
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Most Popular Guide required
The tour begins in Kollfjarðadal valley, a 2,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Sátan og Navirnar
The tour begins in Kollfjarðadal valley, a 3 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Sigatindur Leirvík
The tour begins ouside of Leirvík, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Sigatindur and Gøtunestindur
The tour begins ouside of Leirvík, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
The tour begins west of Hamrabyrgi, a 2 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
The tour begins in Skæling, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
The tour begins in Skálabotn, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Most Popular Guide required
Skálhøvdi - Heiðafjall
The tour begins in Skálhøvdi, a 3 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Skúgvadalur, Barmur, Lisshøvdi, Gásafelli og Hæddin
The tour begins in Norðoyri, a 7 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Skúvoy, a 6 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Skúgvoy: Klettarnir, Høvdin, Knútur and Skorin
The tour begins in Skúvoy, a 6,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Skúvadalur, Bjargamansdalur, Barmur, Lisshøvdi, Gásafelli and Hæddin
The tour begins in Norðoyri, a 10 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Skúvoyarfjall, Nakkurin, Stórafjall and Vestfelli
The tour begins in Dali, a 7,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins west of Funning, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Slættaratindur, Manssetur, Gráfelli and Krákan
The tour begins in Eiðisskarð, a 5,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins at the tunnel to Árnafjørð, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Sneis, Lágafjall and Koppurin
The tour begins in Vestmanna, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Sneis, Bollin, Vitin and Lágafjall
The tour begins in Vestmanna, a 5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Sneis, Mølin, Nakkurin, Talvborð and Sundsskarð
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 10 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Søltuvík Salthøvdi
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Sornfelli mountain between Botnar and Núgvan
The tour begins in on Sornfelli mountain, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Sørvági, Selvík, Kvívíksskoranøva, Sundsnøva and the Ligthouse
The tour begins in Sørvági, a 5,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins in Skeiðsskarð, a 1,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Most Popular Guide required
Stiðjafjall, Tungulíðfjall, Murufelli, Konufelli and Fjallið
The tour begins in Norðradalsskarði, a 6,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins in Gøtueiði, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Støðlafjall, Stórafjall and Miðafelli
The tour begins in Gøtueiði, a 5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Stóra Dímun
The tour begins in Stóra Dímun, a 3 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Stórafjall and Lambaregn
The tour begins in Lamba, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Styðjafjall i snow
The tour begins in Norðradalsskarði, a 1,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Most Popular Guide required
Suður á Fjalli, Bolafløtur, Høgafjall Kvívíksskoranøva and Sundsnøva
The tour begins in Sørvági, a 8,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
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Guide required
Suðuri á Nakkinun
The tour begins in Haraldsund, a 3 hours hike and requires a tour guide
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Guide required
Suðuri á Nakkinun
The tour begins in Haraldsund, a 3 hours hike and requires a tour guide
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Guide required
Sumba - Hamrabyrgi
The tour begins in Sumba, a 2,5 hours hike and is easy
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The tour begins in Svínáir, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
The tour begins north of Kunoy, a 4,5 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Teigafjall, Havnartindur, Klubbin, Nakkurin and Klettur
The tour begins in Kunoy, a 13 hours hike and requires a tour guide
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Guide required
Tindur Múla
The tour begins in Múla, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Toftaknúkur, Krúnufjall og Tólmarkaknúkur
The tour begins at the tunnel out of Árnafjørð, a 4 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Trælanípan - Bøsdalafossur waterfall
The tour begins south of Miðvágur, a 4 hours hike and is easy
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Guide required
Túgvan í Halgafelli, Kolheyggjar, Enni, Høguskorar and Laðanfelli
The tour begins in Hov, a 3 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Tungulíðfjall and out on Kjølstíggjur above Norðadal and Syðradal
The tour begins on Oyggjarveginum, a 4 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
Tvítindur, Gráfelli, Krákan and Manssetur
The tour begins in Eiðisskarð, a 4,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in west of Tórshavn, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Guide required
Tyril and Kambur
The tour begins in Kambsdal, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Tyril og Middagsfjall við Gjógv
The tour begins in Kambsdal, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Tyril, Gøta
The tour begins in Kambsdal, a 3,5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Uppi á Oyggj and Fjallið ùti í Koltri
The tour begins in Koltur, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Úr Dølum, Viðvík, Talvborð and Nakkurin
The tour begins in Dølum, a 11 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Kunoy, a 5 hours hike and is hard
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Guide required
Út í Líð, Eysturhøvdi, yvur í Dal and Árantsholu
The tour begins in Líð, a 11 hours hike and requires a tour guide
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Guide required
The tour begins in Eiðisskarð, a 1 hour hike and is hard
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Guide required
Vágur - Famjin (Mannaskarð)
The tour begins in Vági, a 4,5 hours hike and is moderate
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Vatnfelli, Gásafelli and Lómfelli above Haldórsvík
The tour begins in Halldórsvíkar, a 4 hours hike and is moderate
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Guide required
Villingardalsfjall - Nakkurin (Enniberg) - Ormadalur
The tour begins in Viðareiði, a 2 hours hike and is very hard
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Guide required
The tour begins in Sørvági, a 1 hour hike and is easy
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Guide required