Guide required
Sneis, Mølin, Nakkurin, Talvborð and Sundsskarð
The tour begins in Hvannasund, a 10 hours hike and is very hard
Den gennemsnitlige vandrehastighed er 2 km i timen. Denne tur vil tage omkring 10 timer.
Parker din bil i den sydlige ende af landsbyen Hvannasund. Turen slutter i landsbyen Dølum.
Billede(360°) / Information
Sneis: 634 m højt bjerg i Hvannasundi, på grænsen til Viðvík
Mølin: 511 m højt bjerg mellem Hvilvtkinnabotn og Gresskarðadal i Víkarhaga
i Gásadali
Nakkurin: 481 m højt bjerg øst for Viðoynni
Talvborð på Viðoy bjerg: 557 m højt bjerg på Viðnni.
Sneis: Joen Jacob Sirdal 282147, Niels Jákup Absalonsen 227829
Mølin: Andreas Nýggjagarð 284269, Niels Jákup Absalonsen 227829
Nakkurin: Esmar Sørensen 751238, Sørin Petersen 277158,
Niels Jákup Absalonsen 75. 227829
Height Information
Download Topo GPS
Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
download GPX file
Guide required
Guide required
Guide required
Guide required
Guide required
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