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Oyrnafjall - Vørðan
The tour begins in Ørðavík, a 2,5 hours hike and is hard
Island Suðuroy
Difficulty Difficult hike
Length 5 km
Pref. Wind East, South-east

The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 2,5 hours.

Begin in Ørðavík and hike uphill to Vørðan and Oyrnafjall. From there, you can either hike downwards back to Drelnes or return to where you started.

Image(360°) / Information
Oyrnafjall:       443 m high mountain between Trongisvág og Ørðavík
Vørðan:           237 m high mountain north of Ørðaví

Oyrnafjall:       Petur Mohr Mortensen 371886
Vørðan:           Petur Mohr Mortensen 371886

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Download Topo GPS
Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
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Oyrnafjall - Vørðan
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