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Depilsknúkur, Toftaknúkur, Tólvmarkaknúkur, Krúnufjall, Landsuðursfjall and Búrhellu
The tour begins in Árnafjørð, a 11 hours hike and is hard
Island Borðoy
Difficulty Difficult hike
Length 22 km
Pref. Wind South-west, West

The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 11 hours.

Hike from Depilsknúkur to Búrhella. You have two options: either park your car between the two tunnels, or drive down to the village of Árnafjørður and park your car by the graveyard, at the southernmost end of the village.

Please ask for information, at the local tourist information before hiking in the mountains.

Image(360°)     /     Information
Depilsknúkur:          681 m high mountain between Depil and Árnafjørð
Toftaknúkur:            607 m high mountain between Árnafjørð and Norðtoftir, between Breytarskarð
                                  and Toftaskarð and between Breytardal and Toftadal
Tólvmarkaknúkur:  502 m high mountain in Árnafirði, short south of → Toftaknúk
Krúnufjall:                642 m high mountain between Árnafjørð (Svartadal) and Norðtoftir
                                  (between Toftadal and Heimara Hagadal)
Landsuðursfjall:      621 m high mountain between Norðtoftir and Árnafjørð, in a western direction
                                   out of Norðtoftum and Depli
Búrhellu:                   524 m high mountain south of Norðtoftahaga in Norðtoftum    

Depilsknúkur:          Elmar Krosstein 277020, Ísak Mikladal 232052, Jóannes Lassen 270868
Toftaknúkur:            Magnus Danielsen, Finnbjørn E. Danielsen, Ísak Mikladal, Jóannes Lassen
Tólvmarkaknúkur:  Ísak Mikladal 232052, Jóannes Lassen 270868
Krúnufjall:                Magnus Danielsen 456920, Finnbjørn E. Danielsen 216921                                 
Landsuðursfjall:      Tórmóður Árnatón 226921                                
Búrhellu:                   Finnbjørn E. Danielsen 216921


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Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
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