The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 4,5 hours.
This tour starts in Miðvágur village. Drive from Sandavágur to Miðvágur, you will arrive at Kirkjar village. Here, by the church, take a turn to the left, and drive in the direction of Jansagerði to the topmost road, which is a dirt road and park your car here. This hike starts and ends, at the same place.
Image(360°) / Information
Ravnsfjall: 269 m high mountain on the southern edge outside of Eið in Miðvági, above
Middagsfjall: 343 m high mountain outside of Eið south of Miðvág, on the edge above Prestbergi
Ritubergsnøva: 376 m high mountain on the edge above Nípubergi
Trælanípan: 142 m high cliffside in Miðvági (also known as Trælanípan), the last of the southern
end of Vágar island
Ravnsfjall: Tórður á Presttrøðni 532704
Middagsfjall: Tórður á Presttrøðni 532704
Ritubergsnøva: Jens Gaardlykke 593833, Tórður á Presttrøðni 532704
Trælanípan: Jóhannus Nattestad 276608, Gunnar R. Nattestad 282538, Sólberg Olsen 276900