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Tórshavn - Kirkjubø
The tour begins in Tórshavn, a 5 hours hike and er lættur
Island Streymoy
Difficulty Easy hike
Length 10 km
Pref. Wind North-east, North, North-west

The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 5 hours.

The route starts, at Kirkjubøarvegur, við Sandá 11 in Havnardalur. After passing the gate follow the path - there are cairns all along the path. On the route, you'll pass two small lakes and you'll have a beautiful view of Sandoy, Hestur, Koltur and Vágar. Along the path you will also pass Reynsmúlalág, which in the past time was as an open air meeting place for more than 120 years.

You are now at Reynsmúlalág. Here you will find a kind of raised platform made of rocks, from where speakers at the openair meetings once held here would address the gathered crowds. These meetings were redominantly held from 1895-1940; a total of seven are recorded at Reynsmúlalág during this time.

The tradition of open-air meetings began with the Faroese National Movement, at the end of the 19th century. These informal gatherings provided an opportunity for people to meet up and discuss problems which affected the entire community. At first, the meetings usually included a sermon held by the local priest whilst afterwards everyone joined together in song and then shared a meal together. The speakers tended to be well-known men such as politicians, priests or authors though, significantly, everyone had the right to speak if they chose to.

One of the most significant of all meetings held at Reynsmúlalág took place on 9 July, 1905. It was then that the Faroese Youth Organisation, Sólarmagn, founded in 1895, held a meeting, for which Jóannes Patursson had written the wellknown psalm “Boðar tú til allar tjóðir”. In 1908, the Faroese artist, William Heinesen, attended his first open-air meeting at Reynsmúlalág. In this drawing, Heinesen depicted the meeting with the speaker Sverre Patursson beside the flag of Sólarmagn.

The countryside at Reynsmúlalág is spectacular and makes the perfect place for people to gather to sing patriotic songs and discuss their dreams and aspirations for the Faroese people.

The lovely little village Kirkjubøur is the southernmost village on Streymoy and the countrys most important historical site, famous for the ruins of the medieval Magnus Cathedral from around 1300 and the Saint Olavs Church from the 12th century, the oldest church in the Faroes still in use. From Kirkjubøur you can take a free bus back to Tórshavn. You can also start in Kirkjubøur and hike to Tórshavn.

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Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
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