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Disabled people
The road to Høvdarhaga from Skopun "Easy tour for those with movement disability"
The tour begins in Skopun, a 2 hours hike and is easy
Island Sandoy
Difficulty Easy hike
Length 4 km

This tour will take about 2 hours.

On the old road out towards the "Høvdarhaga" grasslands is a great nature spot with an excellent view. The islands of Hestur, Streymoy and Nólsoy are the closest, and on a good day you can also the islands of Vágar og Mykines. Also, there is a beautiful view of the cliffsides of the westcoast of Sandoy. The first part of road is paved with asphalt.

Puiblic toilets are available in the villages of Skopun and Skálavík.

Travel Tip
Accessible tours give those, who find walks to the mountain tops, or trips following the different cairn tracks challenging, a unique chance to enjoy the Faroese nature. These tours need to be planned in advance by looking carefully, at the photos and the map on this website.

Have a pleasant tour and remember to check the weather forecast in advance. 

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