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Mikladalur - Trøllanes (The old village path)
The tour begins in Mikaldal, a 4,5 hours hike and is very hard
Island Kalsoy
Difficulty Very difficult hike
Length 9 km
Pref. Wind South-east, South-west, West

The average hiking speed is 2 km per hour. This tour will take about 4,5 hours.

A very challenging and beautiful tour. It shows how the people of old lay the foundation for how to thrive on these remote pathways. This tour is suitable to be undertaken in dry weather and only for people, who do not fear heights.

It is recommended to begin the tour at Mikladali where it is somewhat easier to walk from high to low ground. The tour passes by the Prair house of Malta and a gated pathway leads all the way except for a low lying patch of ground between the road “uppdyrkingarvegin” and the “bøgarðin” grassland. First you walk up to “Vørðuna”. It has a 3 m high wooden poll with a red buoy, which shows where the path into “brattlendið” goes.

Pillars are seen all the way from Mikladali, so it is easy to see where the path is. It is recommended to walk towards Djúpadali. The first 500 m into Djúpadal are the most difficult. The ledges are above - The locals call this the “Ovarurók”. Here walking will be done on a very narrow ledge, which has a significant cliffside that drops vertically. In the summer, it the possible to walk here with relative ease. However, the fact that this tour is on a very narrow ledge with a significant high vertical cliffside, makes it very ill suited for people, who fear heights. Great care must be taken in order to walk correctly. Keep a sharp eye on path and walk slowly. One foot step at a time and be prepared to correct your balance, if necessary. Keep your shoes laces tied tightly, so that nothing can get in the way of your balance as you carefully make you way.

The vallies of ”Grøni” and ”Vallaði Djúpidalur" are an especially beautiful sight to behold with deep trenches, bird nests above and wide ledges. Many sheep are in the valleys and in the old days there were also cows. The cows had to be driven from village of ”Trøllanesi” across the village road. However, the cows from the village of ”Mikladali” had to be driven across the moutain and into the valley through - what the locals call - “Neytagøtuna”, which translates to the “cow road”. After the tunnel was established to the valley of “Djúpadals” through the mountain, it became significantly easier and the sheep are now taken out of the valley duing the winter period.

The path of road from “Djúpadali” to “Trøllanes” goes above the “Djúpadalsgjónna” trench and north through “Norðaruskorð” and the gassland towards “Vørðu”. Also here is a 2 m high pole with a red buoy, which shows where the road into the ledges begins. The narrow path between the edges can be seen very well.

The path above “Trøllanes” is somewhat a straight and goes directly from the buoy and down to the village. Markers shows where the path goes. After arraving, at the grassland gate, the first 30 m should be walked in a western direction towards the marker poll. Thereafter, turn 90 degrees to the right and follow fence markers towards the road, which ends east in the village.

It is strongly advised against attempting to undertake this tour in rain, snow or other weather conditions, which may have compromised the paths along the narrow edges. For safety reasons, it is not permitted to turn off the designated path when you are in “Trøllanesi”. A sign poster in “Trøllanesi” also clearly states this, so that all visitors understand that it is for their own safety.

It is possible to start the tour from both ends. However, the steep path way up from “Trøllanes” village makes it a less favorable way to start the tour. The locals recommend starting the tour from the village of “Mikladal”.

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Download and install Iphone / iOS users: please download and install the “Topo GPS” app. Then Buy the “Føroyakorti”, which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. Other / Android users: please download and install the “Great Britian” app. Then buy the “Føroyakorti” which is the map for the Faroe Islands. Price 29,00 DKK. How to use Use the app to open a downloaded hiking track. Safety Remember that the app is not a replacement for an original waterproof GPS unit. Not all smartphones can withstand the weather or being accidentally dropped / damaged.
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